Frank Upham is the Wilf Family Professor of Property Law at New York University School of Law where he teaches the basic property course, as well as courses on advanced property topics, law and development, and comparative law and society with an emphasis on East Asia and the developing world. His scholarship focuses on Japan and China, and his book Law and Social Change in Postwar Japan received the Thomas J. Wilson Prize from Harvard University Press. Recent scholarship includes “Japanese Same Sex Marriage: Prospects for Change,” “Resistible Force Meets Malleable Object: The Story of the ‘Introduction’ of Norms of Gender Equality into Japanese Employment Practice”, and “The Great Property Fallacy: Theory, Reality, and Growth in Developing Countries” (2018). He graduated from Princeton University and Harvard Law School. In addition to having taught at NYU School of Law since 1994, he has taught at Ohio State, Harvard, Boston College, and UCLA law schools in the United States, and Tsinghua University in China, Tunghai University in Taiwan, and Kobe University in Japan